In an impressive ceremony, designed and led by Doris Fields, five new board members were greeted and installed, and officers were elected on January 16. Jennie L. Negin, president for the past four-and-a-half years, told the 40 persons in attendance that she has served on many non-profit boards, then added, “This has been the most remarkable volunteer experience I have had in my lifetime.” Many fellow board members recognized Jennie’s leadership, including her ability to build relationships plus her dedication and organizational skills. She handed the gavel over to new president Victor P. Raigoza, who noted that this is his second stint on the board.
“This museum is important because it is a part of our history,” he said. “We must shine a light on the past and be a beacon for the future.”
We welcome our new board members: Richard E. Cooley, Terri Garcia-Hanoumis, Jon Ghahate, Sheri Karmiol, and Naomi Sandweiss.