Online Resources

NMHIM has identified a number of web sites and organizations whose goals and missions are consistent with ours. To learn more about these resources, simply click on any of the headings below:

Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

“Our collection of K-12 curricula include timely lessons plans and multi-grade units that promote critical thinking and assist educators in teaching current events topics through the lens of diversity, bias and social justice.“ Arranged by grade and topic the site is extremely user friendly. The site is contemporary and does a magnificent job in linking current events to the social injustices of the past. Lessons and units are easily modified it time constraints are a concern.

Baylor University: “How to Provide a Multicultural Education”

This resource, published by Baylor University’s online EdD program, includes information on what multicultural education is and how it can benefit students of all backgrounds. It also contains 14 tips that teachers can use for incorporating multicultural education in the classroom.

Echoes and Reflections

According to the International School for Holocaust Education, Echoes and Reflections is the premier source for Holocaust educational materials and dynamic content, empowering teachers and students with the insight needed to question the past and foresight to impact the future. The Echoes and Reflections program partners with the ADL, Yad Vashem and the Shoah Foundation to provide middle and high school educators the confidence, skills and resources necessary to teach the Holocaust in a comprehensive and meaningful way.

Facing History and Ourselves

This site is easy to navigate and materials are arranged by topics which include: Democracy and Civic Engagement, Race in US History, Justice and Human Rights, Anti-Semitism and Religious Intolerance, Bullying and Ostracism, Global Immigration, Genocide and Mass Violence, and the Holocaust. The goal is to help educators “find compelling classroom resources, learn new teaching methods, meet standards, and make a difference in the lives of the students.”

The Institute for Tolerance Studies

The Jewish Learning Channel is one of the programs of the Institute for Tolerance Studies in Santa Fe and includes over 100 videos. Their “Holocaust Playlist” features videos of both Holocaust History and Holocaust Survivors telling their stories.

Teaching Tolerance Classroom Resources

Teaching Tolerance is the educational division of the Southern Poverty Law Center and provides resources, video kits and student-centered lessons for educators to use in the classroom. “From film kits and lesson plans to the building blocks of a customized Learning Plan—texts, student tasks and teaching strategies—our resources will help you bring relevance, rigor and social emotional learning into your classroom—all for FREE.”

Simon Wiesenthal Center/Museum of Tolerance

The Center and the Museum of Tolerance (MOT) actively engage in educating the next generation as to the horrors of the Holocaust and confronting bias in all its forms. It offers a full array of lesson plans and resources for educators. The Museum of Tolerance also offers a unique opportunity to connect with a survivor through its Bridging the Gap video-conferencing program. While the downloadable teacher’s guide focuses on bridging the gap between a museum visit and the classroom, the grade specific lessons are applicable without a museum visit. The overarching themes are: Power of Words, Dynamics and Discrimination, Pursuit of Democracy and Diversity, and Personal Responsibility.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

The museum provides Holocaust “education resources tailored for classroom use—films, lesson plans, and curricular materials. In addition, there is guidance on sound teaching strategies and information about professional development opportunities.” The four-part video Path to Genocide is a great resource and provides students with an overview of the historical context into this time period.

USC Shoah Foundation

The USC Shoah Foundation’s Institute for Visual History and Education offers a variety of programs and resources for teachers. From downloadable lessons that are classroom ready to documentary films and professional development programs, we are helping teachers use testimony in their classrooms around the world.

Whether the Institute is offering a digital lesson plan, a 90-minute seminar, or a week-long training session, all of its professional development programming focuses on how to tap into the potential of testimony to achieve cognitive and affective learning in students. The Institute’s focus is on broad universal learning outcomes and their relevance to today’s youth, rather than a specific historical or disciplinary focus.

Yad Vashem the World Holocaust Remembrance Center

Yad Vashem is based in Jerusalem, Israel is the ultimate source for Holocaust education, documentation and research. The Museum and Remembrance Center are based on the four pillars of Remembrance: Commemoration, Documentation, Research and Education. The International School for Holocaust Studies “produces educational materials for a variety of target populations and educational organizations in Israel and abroad. These materials are written according to our Pedagogical Philosophy, which stresses an age-appropriate, multi-disciplinary approach to Holocaust education.” Lessons and videos on teaching the holocaust through art and poetry are unique to this site.

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