Book A Tour (Limited Availability)

This program currently has limited availability. Please contact the museum at 505-247-0606 to arrange a tour following COVID protocols. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Please complete and submit this form to Book a Tour for your class or group. Most form fields are required. Thank you for your interest in touring the museum.

NOTE: Your tour is not confirmed until you receive a confirmation by phone or email.

    Date of Visit - 1st Choice [M/D/Y from dropdown] (required)
    / /

    Date of Visit - 2nd Choice [M/D/Y from dropdown] (required)
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    Date of Visit - 3rd Choice [M/D/Y from dropdown] (required)
    / /

    NEW! If you would prefer a VIRTUAL TOUR via Zoom, please select YES below. Virtual tours last approximately 30 minutes.

    Please be sure to download the pre-visit materials from the EDUCATION page.

    Do you want a docent tour?

    Do you want a speaker?

    Please allow 2 hours for both a docent tour and a speaker. Due to the size of the museum exhibits, groups larger than 20 will need to be split up and will automatically receive both a speaker and museum tour.

    If a student group, would you like a follow-up lesson at your school/classroom?