Dr. Mary Jiron-Belgarde has experience in education and student services.
Holding a Ph.D. in Educational Administration & Policy Analysis from Stanford University, Dr. Belgarde’s work has focused extensively on Native American education, including culturally-responsive programs, student retention, and the development of Indigenous language and literacy initiatives.
The program begins at 2 p.m. on April 27 and will be held at UNM Continuing Ed, located at 1634 University Blvd NE.
This free event is sponsored by Bernalillo County Commission District 4 Commissioner Walt Benson.
Registration is required to attend. To register for individual programs or the entire series, please click here or on the image above.
For information about our other programs, please click on the dates and titles below (coming soon):
- February 9, 2025: We are sorry to announce that Rapheal Begay’s presentation has been canceled
- March 9, 2025: NM Japanese American Citizens League Film Presentation
- May 25, 2025: Julie Kohner